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Meet the gang

Ingredients Gang Logo_edited_edited.png

The Ingredients Gang is a personal project I've been working on for the past 10 years. They are a rescue team that gets caught in conflict between an old and futuristic civilization. The plan is to make a cartoon about their wacky adventures!

Their world

Please be aware that certain specific story elements can still change over time. This is still a very rough idea of their world.


For hundreds of years this world has been divided into two different civilizations. One of them has evolved with modern technology very similiar to what we know today. The other side has no technology and it's like time has stopped in terms of development and evolution.


These civilizations have very little to no contact with each other. They are separated by a long stretch of sea. While not forbidden, it is frowned upon for each civilization to contact each other or even visit them. It's currently unkown what has caused this shift between both civilizations.


The modern civilization is quite similar to our world, except it is of course inhabited by animals. Due to evolution these animals look a little different from The Ingredients Gang.













Over the years the modern civilization has gotten an overabundance of trash, specifically technological trash. Think of stuff like dishwashers, microwaves and vacuum cleaners. But also things like TVs, video games, drones and more.


Due to this overabundance the modern civilization has decided to throw away all their garbage via underground sea tunnels. These various tunnels end in the ancient civilization, spewing out all the garbage. This is of course much to the dismay of the citizens.


In order to somewhat work around this problem, raccoons have joined together and have created multiple dumping grounds to take care of all the trash. They scavenge the trash, organise it and sometimes even sell it. Because of this a lot of modern technology has slowly made its way into the ancient society. Opinions about this are very mixed.


There have also been more natural disasters happening in the ancient civilization, such as earthquakes and heavy storms. It's suspected by citizens that this has something to do with the modern civilization, though it's unclear what causes it. These natural disasters are the reason why The Ingredients Gang is a rescue team. They travel the land and help those in need.


The pilot idea


The Gang has operated as a rescue team for about a year now. They have been travelling ever since. One day they visit a village and find a wanted poster for a "monster". When they look for the monster they discover Beets and her dumping ground, much to their surprise. Beets is the overseer of her own dumping ground, much like other raccoons. In order to keep the dumping ground and its items in safe hands, Beets has done her best to make sure no one enters her area, portraying herself as some kind of monster to the nearby villages. She has been alone for a long time and for this reason she can be a little unhinged. 

After discovering that Beets is no threat at all, The Gang stays at her place to chat and Beets really warms up to everyone. After talking about Beets' loneliness and the Gang's desire for a base, it's eventually decided that The Gang will make their base at Beets dumping ground. They all join to make a tree house next to the dumping ground.


Beets likes to scavenge for items that can help The Gang in their rescue missions. Though she also loves to look for items that are just plain fun, like movies and video games. The Gang have many fun game nights and Beets becomes their newest member of the team.


Salt has always had an interest in the modern civilization and after a specific event his interest is ignited even more. After being a rescue team for a long time, The Ingredients Gang is eventually asked to travel to the modern civilization to discuss the natural disasters with them. This is where the story picks up a lot.


The show would be about their rescue missions, their adventures to never before seen places, and the conflict between the different civilizations.

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